I wanted a better lens for the Nikon FM2 that I rescued out of a box and had repaired (it needed the film winder fixing and the meter servicing). I was looking on eBay and I came across a Sigma 28-70 F2.8 AIS manual focus lens! Perfect I thought, the price as a little high so I offered £55 and the seller accepted. I don’t know a great deal about the lens but it looked to be in good condition optically, and not bad in general. So I thought that was a reasonable price for a fast lens, so worth a shot!
It arrived yesterday, and it’s in good condition. The focus ring and the zoom feel good. Optics and clean and only a little ware on the exterior. So I am pleased with my purchase. Its a sunny day today so I might take it for a walk in the woods and see how it does. Get a film through it and check is ok.